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Corporate Search

Corporate Registry

The Corporate Registry contains a database of active and historical businesses and societies registered within the province. There are several types of businesses that are registered at the Corporate Registry.  They include: sole proprietorships, partnerships, incorporated companies, limited liability partnerships (LLP), and extra-provincial companies. The corporate registry provides the legal framework for businesses to register, operate and file company maintenance documents.

We provide customers with full access to search and registration services within the Corporate Registry. Whether you are searching for information on an existing company or wish to start your own company, we can help you every step of the way. 


Corporate Search

A corporate search can reveal important information about a Company. This search is commonly requested when filing a small claims action to determine the correct legal name of a Company, determine their Registered & Records Office, and obtain a complete list of Directors and Officers of a company. Businesses or individuals may also wish to obtain a corporate search on a company before conducting business or setting up accounts with them.

A corporate search will provide the following information:

  1. Legal Name of the Company

  2. Incorporation Number

  3. Incorporation Date

  4. Registered and Records Office Address

  5. Names of all Directors

  6. Names of all Officers

  7. Currently ACTIVE or HISTORICAL

As each province in Canada has its own corporate registry, corporate searches must be conducted in the jurisdiction the company was registered. Companies doing business in another province outside their home province must register their company extra-provincially.  Extra-provincial corporate searches will provide a registered address of the company doing business outside of its home jurisdiction, but will not list the company’s directors. For the list of directors, a corporate search must be conducted in the company's home province.

Companies doing business across Canada may be registered federally. A federal corporate search is also available and can be ordered through the online form. If you are not sure which jurisdiction the company you are searching is registered, please contact our office and one of our experts will locate it.

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